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I am working out everyday, and I am losing weight after Adam gently pointed out that there are better choices for some of the items I was consuming

One day I woke up from a month of knee pain and became really scared. Occasionally in the past I would get knee pain but after a day it would always go away. This time it was not going away and the thought crossed my mind that I was destined to become like all the older people I see in wheel chairs and walkers just trying to function by hobbling around in their intense pain. I decided that I was straddling the fence with either, one chance to fix this and get my body working again, or become a burden to myself unable to enjoy the rest of my life. I chose life and I knew it was going to involve diet and exercise. My diet was pretty good (I thought) so I set my focus on finding a trainer. I knew I needed help because I did not know anything about exercise and I read so many articles about how the wrong exercises can be harmful. I was on a mission and I had to do it fast and I felt like I only had one chance at fixing this.

Lucky for me I found Adam Prewett.

Today, after two months I am knee pain free, I am working out everyday, and I am losing weight after Adam gently pointed out that there are better choices for some of the items I was consuming. My journey to this point was not easy. Everyday for almost two months I worked out with extreme knee pain, smothered in Deep Blue (for muscle aches) to cut the pain. Adam modified exercises to strengthen my knees, and everyday I used Deep Blue, soaked in Rosemary and Thyme, with either Epsom salts or Ancient Sea Salts, and iced for hours. I trusted Adam and knew I had to keep going until my knees were strong and the pain went away.

Adam educated me on how to achieve my goals. He explains and answers my questions so I can understand what I need to do to continue on my journey of living well. He taught me that I am the driver of this vessel and ultimately it is up to me on how and where I guide this ship. I am so thankful to Adam for showing me the way!

Adam is the best trainer I have ever had I am SO thankful I found him!

Jlynn M.

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